Carpet Cleaning in Columbus, Ohio

Have you been searching for a team of professional carpet cleaners to give your facility some attention? Look no further — MC Cleaning Company LLC has been in the carpet cleaning business for more than 10 years, specializing in commercial carpet cleaning for Columbus, Ohio businesses. For professional results, call MC Cleaning Company LLC, Columbus's carpet cleaning specialists, to schedule your carpet cleaning.


Free Carpet Cleaning Quote

(614) 665-8583


Columbus carpet cleaning by MC Cleaning Company LLCCommercial Carpet Cleaning in Columbus

MC Cleaning Company LLC's commercial carpet cleaners will make your Berber beautiful, your plush perfect, and your shag swag. At MC Cleaning Company LLC, we use specialized carpet shampoos for each carpet type, designed to make your carpet look its best. MC Cleaning Company LLC expertly cleans all types of commercial carpet, including low pile, sculptured or textured, Berber, and shag.

Our highly effective carpet cleaning process includes:

  • Treating stains and high traffic areas
  • applying commercial-grade carpet shampoo
  • rinsing via hot water extraction
  • applying carpet deodorizer
  • nap grooming


For top-notch Columbus commercial carpet cleaning, call MC Cleaning Company LLC. We've been making commercial carpets look their best since 2015.

Call for FREE Carpet Cleaning Quote

(614) 665-8583

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